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"Go Places with Spatial Analysis" is a 6-week online course, created by ESRI. Spatial analysis skills are in a high demand today. Businessmen searching for future enterprises' sites, municipals, mapmakers, tourists, teachers, students and other people might use an online platform to create and analyze maps. There is no need to do paper projects, mathematical calculations to solve various spatial tasks.

Here is a link to MOOC: MOOC Go Places with Spatial Analysis

And also my work during MOOC:  Is this a good location?

Where should I build a cottage?

The aim of this work was to find good locations for construction a cottage with filed for future crops. 

The overall process was done with vertical analysis (overlaying, summarizing) and filtering. 

Below there is a step-by-step explanation:

For "Agriculture map" -

1. Download necessary dataset (ZGIS_SBG_LULC, Census_Districts_Salzburg_City). For a basemap - I added layer from a Web, Type - WMTS, URL is, chose grey color.

2. Filtering LULC layer (landuse and land cover): "ITEM" LIKE 'Forests' OR "ITEM" LIKE 'Green urban areas' or "ITEM" LIKE 'Agricultural + Semi-natural areas + Wetlands' or "ITEM" LIKE 'Water Bodies'

3. ZGIS_SBG_LULC>Perform Analysis > Manage data > Overlay layers > ZGIS_SBG_LULC layer intersects with Census_Districts_Salzburg_City

4. Districts_Salzburg_City > Perform Analysis > Summarize Data > Summarize within > Census_Districts_Salzburg_City to summarize with previous created layer - Intersect LULC_Census_Districs_Salzburg_City

5. Changing symbols of a new created layer

For "Construction map" -

1. Downloading ZGIS_SBG_Geology layer, ZGIS_SBG_Zoning, Census_Districts_Salzburg_City. Filtering 'ZGIS_SBG_Geology layer', chose objects withtough material such as konglomerat, stein, etc.

2. ZGIS_SBG_Geology > Perform Analysis > Manage Data > Overlay layers > ZGIS_SBG_Geology with ZGIS_SBG_Zoning - union.

3. Census Salzburg Districts > Perform Analysis > Summarize> Summarize Data >Summarize Withing > Census_Districts_Salzburg_City summarize within previous created layer "Union ZGIS_SBG_Zoning and ZGIS_SBG_Geology.

Here is a link to online map application.

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